Escape to Nature Photography Workshops is proud to offer our February 2019 winter wildlife workshop at the Triple D Ranch, Montana. The group will meet at 7PM at the Triple D Ranch classroom for instruction. We will cover camera setting for the morning shoot and ansewer all questions. 







We will photography large mammals in natural snowy habitats. Their will be (6) six location shoots giving a wonderful opportunity to capture these magnicifant animals.

No need to have big lens, most images can be captured with a 70-200mm telephoto. Typical lens selection that I carry are, 70-200 f/2.8, 80-400, 200-500, 24-70, for up close and personal shots that look like you were in the wild.




Kalispell Montana is beautiful this time of year. The event is just west of Glacier National Park and our location shoots should have snow at that time of year. Don't worry, Kalispell and the surrounding area's are great at snow removal and Triple D Ranch has safely completed these type of events for many years.




The event runs from February 6 ( we will meet in that evening ) to the 10th. For weather, we allow 4 full days of shooting to get in our six location shoots. Their will be the opportunity to add additional shoots for a additional cost by Triple D. Escape to Nature does not add additional fees to work with you at add on events. We are there with you until the workshop is complete.






The Wolf Lodge on Triple D property is available on a first come first serve basis. Vinny & Annette will be staying at the Wolf Lodge during the event. Additional lodging is also available at the Holiday Inn, ( 3 mile away ). Contact the Triple D Ranch for rates and lodging reservations. Call: 1-406-755-9653. Mention Triple D for a Hotel rate at the Holiday Inn of $89.00 per night






          NOTE:   We will take a Minimun of 5 and a Mximun of 10 participants.


    We already have sign-ups so reserve you spot today with a $250.00 deposit




                                The above image by Annette Colucci


Event cost Full payment: $1325.00  See at end of the page as we needed to add a new payment button




 Triple D woekshop Optional Event. We are runnning two events prior our main wildlife event. Birds of Prey and Horse Roundup. Photography Events will be run February 5th and 6th, 2019. We will meet the morning of Feb 6th at the Triple D Ranch for our first adventure, Birds of Prey. Then we will meet February 6th for the Horse roundup Photography Event. We will take a maximun of 10 at each event but need a minimun of five to run the event.




Birds of Prey will be a morning event where you will be in front of several speicies of birds in very natural settings. with lens such as a 70-200 or 80-400 you will gt breath taking images. Triple D will have multiple location setups so you can spend time at each location and go back and forth between the locations. Cost of the event is only $250.00. Reserve your spot today.





 Birds of Prey payment in full: $250.00



Our 2nd optional event id the Horse roundup Photography Event. If you ever wanted those out west horse running in the snow images,here is your chance. You will have the oppertunity to photograph herds of horses running as they did in the wild many year ago. The images below are some of what you may capture during this event. The montana landscape adds to the image and with or without riders ,your images will have the out west Montana feel. The event cost is $400.00 with a minimun of 5 and a maximum of 10 participants. This event will take place February 7th, 2019 prior our main wildlife event.






These are truly once in a lifetime images. We hope you join us on this great adventure.

                  Our thanks again to Dee ( Everrett ) Davis for supplying winter scene images



Horse Roundup full payment: $400.00


                                    Equipment List


One or two camera bodies. We recommend two bodies event if you need to rent one. Its a long way to go with just one body.


Lens: 70-200, 80-400 ( my favorite for this event ), 200-500 ( max needed. 500 is actually too much ), 24-70 for close jumping shots.


Tripod with ball or gimbal head.

Polarizing filters for your lens


Extra batteries. Cold eats batteries, so have extra's with you.


Extra media cards. you will take thosends of images. The average person in this event goes home with over 10,000 images. Have extra cards.

Chargers for all your batteries

Laptop and Thumb drive. We will have classroom time with critiques and post processing throughout the event. External Hard drive to save a second copy of your images.


Camera bag. We recommend a back pack. We will work out of the car a lot of the time but we may need to walk a few hundred yards at several locations.


Clothing: The average temperture that time of year is zero. Dress for being out in the snow for serveral hours at a time.


Warm coat with layers

Gloves and mittens

Warm socks

Snow Boots ( Winter Hunting Boot )

Hand and Foot warmers; NOTE: Hand warmers also help keep camera batteries warm, prolonging there charg life. )


Pay in full of main event only $1325.00  We need to add a button for the main event. This does not include the optional events


 We wil be adding a deposit button soon




Birds of Prey  Deposit    $100.00



Birds of Prey Balance      $150.00



Horse Roundup Deposit    $200.00



Horse Roundup Balance    $200.00