Welcome to our newsletter. We are glad you are able to join us.


This month we will let you know what's going on. For starters, March 3rd to 8th is the Florida Birding Tour. This will start with three days in the St Augustine Alligator Farm.




We will spend the time in the rookery at the Alligator Farm learning birds in flight techniques as well as isolating nesting birds.

After the Alligator Farm we will head south to Titusville and spend the remainder of the week exploring the Orlando Wetlands Park. Here we will photograph birds in flight, wading and nesting birds and maybe some alligators. Full details can be found in the link below:




            Join us while there are spots open. One workshop fee, two parks.

                                   Florida Birding Tour Workshop


2023 I had a few set backs, Some medical stuff and surgeries. For 2024 I will run a few workshops and I am open for Camera Club presentations as well as event presentations; Email me if your organization is interested. I am also doing private and club based workshops which I will design and quote based on your needs.  [email protected] or call me at 252-349-1121.

I will be using much of this year to put together some very interesting and unique workshops for 2025. My plan is to raise the bar so I can teach and raise your bar. With the backing of some of our sponsors we will reach new levels   for 2025. Locations such as  Grand Tetons and Yellowstone combo event,  Yosemite National Park, and Bosque del Apache National wildlife Refuge Workshops.  Smoky Mountains, Waterfalls in Transylvania county NC, and other East coast locations will be added over the next few years. Details will be posted on the Website as they evolve.

We will be adding a 2024 Fall Workshop in the Smoky Mountain region. The subject there will be Elk;  Watch for those details.


Next Newsletter we will show initial results of the Nikon 600mm f/6.3s Z mount tested on a Z9 


                                Until next time, Happy Shooting.


Stores I love to get my camera gear from:

SouthEastern Camera at 2410 Atlantic Ave, Raleigh, NC 27604.

919-890-4484      Great camera store and great place for trade in equipment.

This group has a very knowledgeable team.


Another great place to shop where Alan will take great care of you.


100 Main St 

Melrose, MA 02176


Alan Samiljan

Master Sales Consultant

Direct  781.462.2383  

My hours are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday, 9:00-5:00pm eastern

[email protected]