It has been a while since my last newsletter. Time slips by so quickly. We have been really busy with workshops,speaking engagments and one-on-one classes. We started
January with the Space Coast event, then to (PSA) Florida Wetlands, to St Augustine event and Springtime in the Smokies. We have been packed and on the move.
This month I'll be in Asheville with CNPA and New England for the NECCC, as well as Michigan for SWMCC. Yes a packed out July. August 21st we will photograph the Eclipse in Columbia SC with CNPA. On the 23rd of August we head west for our Wildlife Montana Workshop. By the way, we have one spot open on this workshop. There is still time to sign up.
Click Here for details and sign-up
This 4 day event will be filled with Grizzly Bears, and big cats. Again, one spot left. We have a great group going so far. It will be a great experience.
Our 2018 schedule will go up on on the site next week. We will be back at Space Coast and we are doing a Florida Wetlands Workshop in February. This one fills quickly and we already have two signed up. We will most likely be at the St Augustine Birding Fest next year, as well as doing a long weekend event the weekend prior at the Alligator Farm Rookery. We hope you join us there.
I just received a Nikon D7500 to test. I'll be teaching a Nikon D5, D500, D7500 in a 1/2 seminar with a 1/2 day shooting class in September. Date will be on the website next week. I will also be teaching this class (among others), at the Festival of
Cranes in New Mexico, November 2017. The link will be going up shortly, so check my 2017 calendar of events for this one.
The Solar Eclipse is on its way. Here is how to get prepared.
Getting Ready for Photographying the Solar Eclipse
We will be making some changes soon. Web Site is being re-vamped and Newsletter will return to a monthly event. We hope you stick with us and share all this info with your friends. I'll be posting much of my travels on Facebook and on my blog. You should find it informative.
Over the next several months I'll be reviewing the Nikon D7500. I am taking it to Montana. I am also going back to Gitzo for most of my tripods and will reflect on that later on.
Until next month, KEEP SHOOTING and have a great 4th of July.